What We Cover

What We Cover

Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation surgery involves removing follicles of a donor’s hair, usually from the back or sides of the head,and reattaching them to the top of the scalp, where hair loss tends to occur. It is generally a minor procedure that you will be awake for, and can take anywhere from four to eight hours. The cost can vary greatly depending on the doctor performing the procedure and how much hair

PRP Hair Regrowth

It is possible to restore hair loss by helping your dormant hair follicles “activate” and start growing. Using plasma-rich platelets (PRP) from your own blood and re-inserted under the skin in the affected areas, the platelets help your body’s stem and growth cells activate and naturally cause your hair to begin growing again. If the treatment is effective, results can be noticed in as little as three

FUE Hair Transplant

A Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE hair transplant that is based on the older style of hair transplants (also known as hair plugs). An FUE transplant is different from these because the FUEs are very small, making the transplanted hair look much more natural. While FUE transplants are not a scarless procedure, the grafts are so small that they are virtually invisible.

Hair Transplant Repair

If you previously had a hair transplant and it did not go as planned, hair transplant repair can correct the problem. An inexperienced surgical team or a procedure done using an old or outdated plug technique can lead to a result you may be less than satisfied with, or even leave a large, unsightly scar. Luckily, there are many options available to you to repair the damage and improve your appear

Eyebrow Hair Transplant

If you feel your eyebrows are becoming too thick or too thin, or need to repair damage done to them, there are procedures available for eyebrow transplantation. Eyebrow transplantation surgery can cover scars, fix partial or completely missing eyebrows, or repair damage from excessive plucking in only a few hours.

Scalp Micro Pigmentation

Scalp micro pigmentation can effectively disguise hair loss or cover up unsightly scalp scars by tattooing the scalp to look like small hairs. The scalp is “micro-dotted” with a color that matches your hair and placed in a pattern that matches your existing hair density to help it blend in. It is mostly used to “fill in” the space between thinning hairs.

Facial Hair Transplant

Most facial hair transplant procedures are performed on the goatee or mustache areas, but it can also be done on cheeks, sideburns, or anywhere else on the face to achieve the look you want. It’s very easy to customize the procedure to have the look you want, so if you want a fuller beard or want to cover up a scar, a facial hair transplant can help

Traction Alopecia Treatment

Traction alopecia is hair loss that occurs due to constant pulling or tension, and is most common when hair is worn in weaves or tight braids. It can also happen if hair is overtreated with dyes, bleaches or straighteners over a long period. If left untreated, it can lead to permanent hair loss, usually in the front or sides of the head. However, the condition.

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